Friday, September 11, 2015

UN Did Not Create Israel - 1920 International Law and Treaties Reconstituted it - YD Draiman

UN Did Not Create Israel - 1920 International Law and Treaties Reconstituted it

The UN and The ICJ Are Only Advisory Organizations

The UN under its Charter has no authority and cannot establish a country; it cannot supersede or modify international law and treaties.

The UN under its charter can only recommend its resolutions and if it is accepted by the parties and signed as an agreement by the parties, it is valid; otherwise said resolution has no validity and cannot be enforced.

History proves the Arabs have rejected outright all pertinent UN resolutions, thus, rendering said resolutions as invalid and unenforceable.  Even if the UN, other nations, or other entities and organizations put up flags and any other action for the fictitious Arab Palestinians, said flag-raising is meaningless.

The 1917 Balfour Declaration recognized the Indigenous and Legal rights of the Jewish people to their historical ancestral land of Israel (aka Palestine).  Thus, about 75,000 square miles was assigned to be the reconstituted Jewish National Home. It must be noted that said recognition of “Indigenous” rights was based upon the historical fact the Jewish people and had a continuous habitation of this land for over 4000 years.

In furtherance of the 1917 Balfour Declaration the Faisal Weizmann Agreement was signed and executed in London on January 3, 1919 which recognized Palestine as a Jewish territory.  This Agreement was the only time Arabs agreed to, and executed a legally binding document recognizing the land which belonged to the Jewish people. It must be noted since this “Agreement” was executed, no other legally binding agreement has ever been agreed to by the Arabs which supersedes this Agreement, or other treaties.  

In further support of the above facts and under International Law, treaties were signed and executed by the Supreme Allied Powers after WWI.  At this time Arab states were created in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Lebanon, etc., totaling 5 million square miles.  Most importantly, at the very same time Israel (aka Palestine) was assigned to the Jewish people as their Jewish National Home. 

After 1947 the Arab countries persecuted and expelled over a million Jewish families and confiscated all their assets including over 120,000 square km. of land, which is about 6 times the size of Israel.  Most of the million expelled Jewish families were resettled in Israel and now comprise over half the population of Israel
Ironically, with the immigration of so many expelled Jewish families, the increase in the population of Israel satisfied one of the  elements contained in the 1920 international treaty which incorporated the Balfour Declaration as international law (Israel's Magna Carta): Israel Jewish population had to be substantial enough in order to become self-governing.

The British as trustee for the Jewish people assumed the obligation and responsibility to enhance and promote the Jewish immigration thus, substantially increase the Jewish population and implement the Jewish Sovereign government of the historical reconstituted Jewish National home in Palestine.

After numerous Arab violent rioting incidents in Palestine, The British decided for their own economic interest to violate the trust, thus, violate the terms of the Mandate for Jewish Palestine and instead of promoting Jewish immigration it restricted Jewish immigration and prohibited Jews from buying properties in Israel.

Furthermore, The British under the auspices of the League of Nation and a Mandate for Jewish Palestine which violated international law and treaties, reallocated 78% of Jewish territory all the lad East of the Jordan River, as the New Arab State of Transjordan now named Jordan. Moreover, it instituted an apartheid rule and prohibited Jews from purchasing land or residing in Jordan

When WWII was initially progressing many Jewish families were trying to escape Nazi Germany extermination camps. The British blocked their entry into Palestine and sent many of them back to Germany to be exterminated. These actions caused the deaths of millions of Jews.

In 1947 after embarrassing military loses in Palestine. The British decided to abdicate and terminate their obligation to the terms of the Mandate and notified the UN which took over for the League of Nations in 1946.

In view of the riots and violence in Palestine. The UN on its own and in violation of international law and treaties, voted and **recommended (I stress recommended only - non-binding, which must be accepted by all parties or it is meaningless, and the Arabs rejected it) to partition again the balance 22% of Jewish territory west of the Jordan River and reallocate the Western part west of the Jordan River, Judea and Samaria to the Arabs and the balance to the Jewish people up to the Mediterranean sea.

The Jewish Committee in Palestine, upon the notice that the British were deserting their fiduciary obligation to the term of the Mandate in Palestine and were leaving Palestine, were forced to make a crucial decision, to declare Israel's Independence with only about 600,000 Jews in Palestine.

The Jewish committee in Palestine waited until the UN vote recognizing Israel and declared its official independence on May 14, 1948. The declaration of independence of Israel would have occurred even if the UN did not recognize Israel.
The Jewish committee in Palestine-Israel adhering to international law and treaties post WWI by the Supreme Allied Powers allocating Palestine for the National Jewish State was legally instituted in 1920 and a year prior to that agreed to by the Faisal Weizmann agreement executed in London on January 3, 1919.       

**RECOMMENDATION - a non-binding suggestion or proposal as to the best course of action, especially one put forward by an authoritative body.
"the committee put forward forty recommendations for change"



  1. If you feel it is moral to express your sympathy for those Arabs who colonized and occupy all but a sliver of land in the Middle East, those who stone women to death, execute gays and rape little children? Those who kill people indiscriminately, suicide bombers, teach hate and violence to their children! If you believe that making Judaism illegal in every Arab country is OK? Really? The Arabs have also forced most Christians out of their countries. You leave me no choice then, but to assess you moral indignation as meaningless lawless revolting and vile. I laugh in astonishment at what hypocrites and naked bigot

  2. If you feel it is moral to express your sympathy for those Arabs who colonized and occupy all but a sliver of land in the Middle East, those who stone women to death, execute gays and rape little children? Those who kill people indiscriminately, suicide bombers, teach hate and violence to their children! If you believe that making Judaism illegal in every Arab country is OK? Really? The Arabs have also forced most Christians out of their countries. You leave me no choice then, but to assess you moral indignation as meaningless lawless revolting and vile. I laugh in astonishment at what hypocrites and naked bigot
